Craft Class: CCO, Doug Manson, and the Art of Storytelling in Interactive Advertising

Written by Craftsman+ | 08/20/24

Craft Class: Stories of Creativity and Innovation

Welcome to "Craft Class," where we delve into the minds of the creative leaders shaping the future of digital marketing at CRAFTSMAN+. This edition spotlights Doug Manson, our Chief Creative Officer, whose passion for storytelling and design has elevated our interactive ad campaigns to new heights. Below, Doug shares his creative philosophy, insights on how to craft compelling narratives in the digital landscape and the emerging creative trends he’s most excited about.

As the Chief Creative Officer at CRAFTSMAN+, storytelling is my passion, and in today’s digital, multichannel world, balancing art with technology is the key to standing out. My primary responsibility is to guide our talented creative team, ensuring that our initiatives not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients.

Client Connection: The Art of Relationship Building 

On a daily basis, I interface with clients, pitch new concepts, and collaborate closely with our creative directors. While I directly oversee a couple of key accounts, I make it a point to check in on all projects. This hands-on approach allows me to ensure that our creative initiatives are consistently aligned with our strategic goals and that our team is producing top-notch work. One of the most rewarding aspects of my role is being able to jump in and course-correct when projects hit a snag. Whether it’s refining a campaign’s direction or exploring new trends, I’m deeply involved in the creative process. 

The Power of Long-Term Partnerships

At CRAFTSMAN+, we believe that successful creative strategies thrive on continuity and collaboration, which is why our long-term retainer—internally known as "FTE"—is so valuable. With a retainer, partners gain a dedicated team that immerses itself in their brand, allowing us to craft effective campaigns quickly and develop a cohesive creative strategy over 6 to 12 months. This means we can make strategic recommendations, like using retargeted static ads to follow up on video campaigns or integrating digital out-of-home displays to create a seamless omnichannel experience. By fostering a collaborative relationship, we provide insights and recommendations that optimize brands’ campaigns across various platforms, crafting a story that resonates with their audience. 

The Importance of Message Reinforcement and A Cross-Channel Strategy 

In today's fragmented media landscape, reinforcing a brand message across multiple channels is essential for effective storytelling. At CRAFTSMAN+, we focus on creating a cohesive cross-channel strategy that allows us to deliver a unified narrative, enhancing engagement and conversions. By integrating formats like video, static, and interactive ads, we ensure each piece contributes to the larger story. For example, video ads can introduce a brand story, while retargeted static ads can be used to follow up with customers who engaged, reinforcing a brand’s message and prompting conversions. This strategic alignment is crucial, as data shows that retargeting across channels can enhance conversions by up to 70%

Innovating the Creative Workflow with AI

Over the past year, I've been focused on enhancing our creative processes by working closely with our art directors to integrate AI tools into our workflow. Platforms like ChatGPT and Midjourney have become invaluable resources, helping us scale brainstorming sessions and refine our ideas, ultimately enhancing our creative output. However, it's crucial to remember that AI should be a tool to assist creativity, not replace it. While AI can streamline processes and offer new insights, today, the human touch is still critical in crafting compelling narratives. By using AI to support our creative efforts, we ensure that our team can focus on the imaginative aspects of storytelling, maintaining the quality and originality that our clients expect. This balance allows us to leverage AI for efficiency while preserving the creative vision, ultimately delivering more impactful campaigns.

Challenges of Uniting a Global Team 

Bringing together a global team presents unique challenges, especially in a remote work environment. At CRAFTSMAN+, we’ve faced the complexities of ensuring effective communication and collaboration across different time zones and cultures. One of the biggest hurdles is the lack of spontaneous interactions that naturally occur in an office setting. It’s not as simple as walking over to a colleague’s desk to brainstorm or adjust a project on the fly. To navigate these challenges, we’ve embraced various collaborative tools, such as Jamboards, Slack Huddles, FigJam and Replay, to facilitate brainstorming and project management. These platforms allow us to share ideas visually and keep everyone on the same page, regardless of their location. 

Trend Spotting: DOOH and Interactive CTV Ads 

Right now there are two trends that are particularly exciting to me, which are Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) and interactive Connected TV (CTV) ads. Both offer innovative ways to engage audiences and measure campaign effectiveness. 

DOOH has traditionally been a tool for brand awareness, but recent advancements in attribution have transformed it into a powerful performance marketing channel. Now, you can directly correlate exposure to DOOH ads with user actions, such as app downloads, making it particularly appealing for our gaming clients. Imagine a campaign where mobile video ads, static retargeting, and DOOH displays work in harmony, creating a seamless 360-degree creative strategy. For instance, a digital billboard might prompt commuters to download a game before they board a subway or flight, enhancing both reach and engagement. 

Interactive CTV ads are another exciting emerging ad format. They allow for a more engaging viewer experience by encouraging interaction with the content served, such as choosing different story paths or interacting with elements on the screen. This not only increases viewer engagement but also provides valuable insights into consumer preferences and behaviors. 


Join Us on Our Creative Journey

At CRAFTSMAN+, we blend creativity with technology to craft compelling narratives that captivate audiences across platforms. Whether it's through innovative DOOH campaigns or interactive CTV ads, our approach ensures your brand's message resonates effectively. Let's explore the future of digital storytelling together.