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5 Ways to Engage Gen Z with Interactive Ads_3


Born between 1997 and 2012, Generation Z is rapidly becoming a dominant force in the consumer market. As digital natives, they've grown up in a world of constant connectivity and instant gratification. For brands looking to capture this audience's attention, interactive and playable ads offer a unique opportunity to create engaging, memorable experiences that resonate with Gen Z's preferences and behaviors.

Leveraging insights from AdWeek, here are five ways to engage Gen Z or “Zoomers” with interactive ads.

The Gen Z Opportunity

With a global spending power exceeding $360 billion, Gen Z already wields significant economic influence. This generation is not only tech-savvy but also values authenticity, personalization, and meaningful experiences. As more Zoomers enter the workforce, their purchasing power is set to grow exponentially, making them an increasingly important target for marketers.

Gen Z's digital fluency offers brands unique opportunities for engagement and brand building. This generation spends an average of 4 hours and 15 minutes per day on mobile devices, with a significant portion of that time dedicated to social media and content consumption. Their comfort with technology and willingness to try new digital experiences make them ideal candidates for interactive and immersive advertising formats. 

Moreover, Gen Z's influence extends beyond their own purchasing power. As digital natives, they often act as tech advisors for older generations, influencing family purchasing decisions across various categories, from electronics to travel. This "trickle-up" effect amplifies the impact of successfully engaging Gen Z, potentially reaching a broader audience through their recommendations and social influence.

With that said, Gen Z does lose attention quicker than other generations. It takes just 1.3 seconds for Gen Z to lose active attention for ads—less time than any other age group. This means ad content must grab their attention immediately, or risk being passed over for something else.

5 Ways to Engage Gen Z with Interactive Ads


1. Gamify the Ad Experience 

Gen Z has a strong affinity for gaming, with 71% of adult Gen Z members having played video games to improve their mental health or stress levels. This presents a golden opportunity for brands to create interactive ads that incorporate gaming elements. 


Develop playable ads that challenge users to solve puzzles, complete mini-games, or participate in virtual scavenger hunts related to your product or brand. For example, a fashion brand could create a dress-up game where users can mix and match outfits, with the ability to purchase the items directly from the ad through shoppable formats

2. Leverage Social Media Platforms 

Gen Z's top three social media platforms are YouTube (80% usage), Instagram (75%), and TikTok (69%). These platforms are ideal for hosting interactive ad content that can seamlessly blend with organic content. 


Create interactive video ads for YouTube that allow viewers to choose their own adventure or make decisions that affect the outcome of the story. On Instagram and TikTok, use AR filters or interactive stickers that users can engage with and share, increasing brand visibility through user-generated content. 

3. Prioritize Sustainability and Social Responsibility 

Environmental concerns are a top priority for Gen Z, with 60% reporting anxiety about climate change. Brands that authentically demonstrate their commitment to sustainability can forge stronger connections with this demographic. 


Develop interactive ads that educate users about your brand's sustainability efforts. For instance, create a virtual tour of your eco-friendly production process or an interactive quiz that helps users calculate and offset their carbon footprint through your products or services. 

4. Offer Exclusive Deals and Personalized Experiences 

Gen Z appreciates a good deal, with 48% citing email as their preferred way to hear about special offers. They also value personalization and exclusivity. 


Create interactive ads that offer personalized discounts or exclusive access to products based on user preferences or behavior. Implement a "spin-the-wheel" feature in your ads where users can win different discounts or rewards, encouraging engagement and fostering a sense of excitement. 

5. Incorporate User-Generated Content and Reviews 

Nearly half (46%) of Gen Z consumers browse or look for reviews on social media while shopping. As we’ve written before, ads with user-generated content (UGC) have 4 times higher click-through rates and cost 50% less per click compared to traditional ads. UGC ads also enhance brand trust with 92% of consumers trusting UGC more than traditional brand advertising and marketing. With Gen Z’s affinity for authentic review, leveraging this ad strategy can significantly boost the credibility and appeal of your interactive ads with Zoomers. 


Integrate user-generated content and reviews directly into your interactive ads. Create a scrollable gallery of user photos or videos showcasing your products, with the ability to tap for more information or to make a purchase. Include a feature that allows users to leave their own reviews or ratings within the ad itself.

The Power of Interactive and Playable Ads for Gen Z

Interactive and playable ads are particularly effective for engaging Gen Z because they align with this generation's desire for entertainment, personalization, and active participation. These ads transform the passive viewing experience into an engaging interaction, catering to Gen Z's preference for content that is creative and entertaining (52%) and funny (43%). 

Moreover, interactive ads can tap into Gen Z's love for solving mysteries and finding clues, with 72% being drawn to such experiences. By incorporating these elements, brands can create memorable ad experiences that not only capture attention but also drive meaningful engagement and conversions.

Key Takeaways

  • Gen Z values authenticity, sustainability, and personalized experiences
  • Interactive and playable ads can effectively engage Gen Z by incorporating gaming elements
  • Leveraging popular social media platforms is crucial for reaching this demographic
  • Sustainability and social responsibility should be key themes in ad content
  • Exclusive deals and personalized offers can drive engagement and conversions
  • User-generated content and reviews enhance ad credibility and appeal

Take Your Gen Z Marketing to the Next Level

Ready to level up your approach to Gen Z marketing? CRAFTSMAN+ specializes in creating innovative, interactive ad experiences that resonate with young audiences. Our team of experts can help you develop cutting-edge creative strategies to engage Gen Z and drive meaningful results for your brand.